Škoda Malta

A complete brand rebirth designed to transform perceptions

Franchise Rollout + Brand Strategy + Campaigns + Design

After years of misrepresentation by its regional representatives, the Škoda brand in Malta was left tarnished with tales of bad salesmanship, neglected after-sales and plummeting sales figures. Facing an uphill battle to rebuild its reputation, Škoda handed the reins to the brand to our long-standing client Continental Cars Ltd.

Our challenge, together with Continental Cars, was to signal a new era for Škoda Malta and win back consumer trust in the franchise.

In light of the various hurdles the brand faced, we started off by identifying and clearly mapping out how we could re-address and reposition the brand and develop a new-found relationship with prospective customers built on the brand’s core marketing pillars. We capitalised on the fact that Škoda as a global brand had just rebranded its identity to signal its shift towards a more electric and quality-centric future by combining this message with a rebirth of the brand in Malta itself.

A series of cross platform campaigns targeted at “showing” the brands enhancements, married with a strong customer relations and pre/aftersales drive by Continental Cars proved to gain traction, resulting in a sudden drive in showroom visits and a steady uptake in sales which far exceeded those experienced by the previous dealership.

We provided:

Franchise Rollout

Brand Collateral


Print Media

Digital Media

Social Media


Editorial Design

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